
Saturday, I spent all day in the guest-room of my aunt's house (my sisters and I spent the weekend with her). With a large mug of tea in hand and my lovely hardcover edition of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, hours passed by with the rapidity of seconds. Time was lost, I was in England again, Pemberley... ah yes. Two weeks worth of homework, finished in one day.

When I finished the book, elation and joy completely o'erwhelmed me. The book underlined, put in bold and capitol letters, the marvelous fact of life. The richness of life.

There is such a great richness to life - the richness of thoughtful books, dance, languages, good wine (or, erm, Kirchwasser), debates, music. The simple pure richness of the clear, un-smog-filled air. And sometimes, the full richness of life hits with a solid KLANG, a wake-up call, so to say. And as the bell reverberates, sending vibes of sound all over, so does that realization of the richness of life reverberate throughout our entire being.

Shannon  – (December 4, 2007 at 12:57 PM)  

my dear,

you are such a blessing. you encourage me to find the beautifulness, the joy and the richness in the most simple things in life. thank you!

much love,

Horace  – (December 4, 2007 at 4:20 PM)  

I commented on your real blog. :P

Those moments are wonderful moments. Sometimes I find that I lapse into an everday view of what I'm doing and whats going on around me, when it really it could often, or always be like that.

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