
"Rejoicing in the Bible is much deeper than simply being happy about something. Paul directed that we should 'rejoice in the Lord always' (Phil. 4:4), but this cannot mean 'always feel happy,' since no once can command someone to always have a particular emotion. To rejoice is to treasure a thing, to assess its value to you, to reflect on its beauty and importance until your heart rests in it and tastes the sweetness of it. 'Rejoicing' is another way of praising God until the heart is sweetened and rested."

Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods



"Time is a storm... but beyond time's storm, there's timelessness. The Lord of Heaven changes not, even when our view's most dark. God's never gone. It's only men go blind."

Godric, Frederick Buechner

The view seems dark now. In this past month, time's storm hit hard. Heartache for friends in pain, grief for the deaths that have touched my family, my friends. My uncle Kenny died suddenly last week. He was only 29. Dad loved him so, so much; I grieve to see Daddy hurt like this. And then again, a friend from church, Hermano Tony, died yesterday. And even though I didn't know him that well, I know the grief my family is going through now, I know his family and friends must be going through the same pain.

I feel helpless in this storm. With Dad, I can hug him, talk with him, and just be with him. But the grief remains, as it will for awhile. All I can really do is pray for Daddy, for Hermano's family, and for my friends. I really, really wish I could do more, wave some type of magic wand and make all the pain go away. But that's me wanting to do God's job. It is in His hands. I cannot ask for more.

And even though the view is dark now, I know it is not a pure darkness. My Uncle Kenny and Hermano Tony were both saved. And they now stand in the glorious presence of the Lord. What a thought!

I'm learning to trust in the promises of God, and in this process, I can find joy. I have found joy. A joy that is not circumstantial: the joy of the Lord, who is always, always there. Not a happy-go-lucky attitude, but a foundation, a comfort that the storms of time cannot shake. Please Lord, let me rest in that.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.



Note - it really isn't the best idea to start a blog project in the middle of quinceañera preparation. Just saying.

But it's over now, and all we have left are pieces of wrapping paper, flower bouquets, and a very, very happy fifteeen year-old. It was worth every single second of work. More on the quinceañera later, but here's a picture from the ceremony and one from the reception.

Mom, the beautiful Quinceañera, and Dad

The quinceañera and her court



"Hope is not a lottery ticket that you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you break down doors with in an emergency. Hope should shove you out the door."

- Rebecca Solnit


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