From the Quotables File

I keep a file of all cute/funny happenings from life, and I thought I would post a few to make you smile :)

Scene: Latin 3 class, translating the book of Ruth from Latin into English and comparing various English translations with our own.

Ruth 3:9 - "And he said, 'Who art thou?' And she answered, 'I am Ruth, thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman.'"

Juliet: Why does the KJV say 'spread thy skirt'?
Katie Beth: he was Scottish
Mr. Callihan: skirt means cloak or robe under which he slept, so like, blanket
Caitlin: skirt, cloak, blankie...same thing :)
Katie Beth: Ssshhh. It's a kilt.
Mr. Callihan: yes
Juliet: Ah! Thank you =)
Katie Beth: er, actually... it's not
Katie Beth: *gets strange images*
Mr. Callihan: a kilt doesn't work very well for a blankie, KB :)
Katie Beth G: never mind about the kilt


Scene: Reading hour in the living room, everyone present except for the youngest, who runs into the room saying...

MA: I lost my WWOMAHN!

Charlie looks carefully at MA, "Your WHAT?!"

"My womahn!"

Jacqueline: Wow, I didn't know you had one...

MA: But I do! Lots of 'em, with swords and shields.

The mental images made us all double-over laughing.

Then Daddy clarified for us, "You guys, he means his Roman."


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