
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...

We didn't fly, but we did next best thing - we rode our bikes. It was a beautiful day, just a little above 70 degrees, clear blue skies, with a breeze that made our hair fly around our faces. We went all over town. Down to Barnes and Noble, to the library, Starbucks, and then home again. I sang Sinatra out loud. It was a perfect day.

The Starbucks barista smiled and asked us, "Are you twins?"

Holding our Izze drinks, we looked at each other.
"Um. No. Three and a half years apart."

"How old are you?"

We turned the question back on her, "How old do you think we are?"

"You look like twelve year-old twins!"

We couldn't help collapsing in laughter. We told her our ages - seventeen and fourteen. We kept on laughing as we purchased our drinks and walked into B&N. I'm not sure if she believed us.

On our way out, Jacqueline nudged me, "At least I'm only two years off..."

Weather-wise it was such a lovely day
Come fly with me, we'll fly, we'll fly away.

Clayton  – (July 8, 2009 at 11:03 PM)  

Haha! Nice. Hey, I like the new layout!

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