Sunday (small) Joys

I can hear each key that she types. It's a strange Sunday evening. We have the house to ourselves - two sisters, a labradoodle, and a very lazy cat.

I'm shelving encyclopedias back into our overcrowded bookshelves while she persuades herself to stop tumblr/youtube-ing and to start studying for precalculus. I'm definitely enjoying her internet adventures. She has wonderful taste in music (listen to this).

I should probably be studying also, or at least, preparing for the week. Instead, I spent most of this evening looking through delightfully random words in our encyclopedias. Wikipedia can't compete with the beautiful heavy weight of these books or the smooth, smooth feel of the pages.

Of course, when paper time comes around, I probably won't be spending much time with these particular gorgeous books, but for this Sunday night, I'll enjoy every minute with them.

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