Daily Reads

You cannot surely forbid the Truth to reach your ears by the secret pathway of a noiseless book.

Every year I have some sort of general reading plan. Last year was Joy's 100 books-in-a-year along with my Great Books literature and Gibbon classes. Two years ago, I tried to keep my readings to Victorian and Medieval literature. This year, I'm taking a more day by day approach. I still have my ever-growing booklist, but I've joined a few book groups that I hope to keep with throughout this year.

Company of the Fathers

Two years ago, I joined this reading group that Mr. Callihan started. Our goal was (and is still) to read through the 38-volume Early Church Fathers set, and we've started back again (!!). We're going through Tertullian's Apology right now, and wow. He's amazing. I added the link to the blog on my sidebar.

New Albion Book Club

Mr. Jenson invited me to this group - and guess what book we're going to read? Witch Wood! It's one of my favorite Buchan books, and I'm looking forward to the discussions.

History of the Christian Church

For my Schola class, we're reading through Schaff's 8-volume History of the Christian Church. It's beyond wonderful. Because I've been so ill for the past few months, I normally had a "Schaff" day, where I would catch up on my readings, but I'm hoping to have read Schaff daily this year.

De Gestis Herwardis Saxonis

In an attempt to keep up my Latin, I've been reading this reallly fun Medieval work every day. I tried to keep up a corresponding notebook with an English translation, but that ruins the fun of reading it in the original Latin. I love reading it :-)

Tertullian, Buchan, Schaff, and Medieval Latin... this is going to be a delightful year.

QuintessentiallyChristine  – (January 11, 2009 at 7:41 PM)  

I think you like reading...:-D

Always nice...how are you darling?

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