Day 2

"Is there not glory enough in living the days given to us? You should know there is adventure in simply being among those we love and the things we love, and beauty too."

Lloyd Alexander, The Black Cauldron

The Mundane: Bread-making on a Tuesday afternoon. I shaped the loaves and let them set. Then I walked around with floured hands and talked to the parents of my Latin students. White flour smears contrasted my black apron with bright green and red chiles. An hour later, the loaves enter the oven. The smell of fresh bread fills the house. Warm, happy. Then the loaves are done. Voila! Fresh bread.

The Miraculous: I love watching the bread develop. The brown murky liquid of yeast and warm water turns into a light, pliable dough that delights in rising. Give it more time, oven heat, and then it becomes crunchy and light. The science behind a loaf of bread is simply amazing. But even more amazing is the gift of bread. It's one of those little things of life that lie forgotten. It's a gift from God, a gift we don't deserve.

Thank you God for our daily bread.

David K  – (February 24, 2010 at 8:34 PM)  

Good post :)

Bread is one of those things that we so easily pass over. I'm always reminded of how overwhelmingly blessed we are when I recite the Lord's Prayer "Give us this day our daily bread." Today we have bread, and so much much more.

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